Join the Conservancy
Apply to become a member today!
Membership and donations allow the volunteer time of the Directors, and others, to work more effectively to further the Mission of the Conservancy.
Communication is ongoing with the Provincial Government, the Leey’qsun First Nation, and others, on these issues. Research is being conducted to better support the Mission of the Conservancy. Membership fees, and donations, will be applied to the costs associated with these, and other initiatives.
Membership Options
(1 year/3 year)
Adult ($30/$90)
Family ($60/$180)
*2 adults, children under 19
Membership Application
We look forward to connecting with you and will be in touch soon.
Members, 19 years and older, in good standing have voting privileges at General and Special meetings called by the Board.
This website is intended to better inform our members, and the public, on the issues facing the Conservancy, and the work of the Directors.
At present, we accept membership fees in the form of cash, cheques, bank drafts, and e-transfers.
Annual memberships expire on August 31st of each year, ahead of the Valdes Island Conservancy Annual General Meeting held each fall on Zoom. Members in good standing have voting privileges at General and Special meetings called by the Board and are eligible to join the Board and Committees.