Lyackson Migration Project

The Lyackson Migration Project is a collaborative project to document the history of the migration of members of the Lyackson First Nation from their traditional villages on Valdes Island during the 20th century and life histories of families who have lived on the Island. Lyackson elders and community members have generously shared their family histories, stories, memories and knowledge about living on Valdes Island, and the circumstances around their peoples moves off the Island in the 20th century. We have mapped out many of these stories out, alongside places of significance shared with previous researchers and community projects. This project can never be truly comprehensive, and needs to be seen as telling only partial story.  It is not intended to be seen as a land use and occupancy study and is presented without prejudice to aboriginal rights, title and governance.

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The State of the Whales


Saving the Southern Resident Killer Whales