Changes to the Valdes Island Rural Land Use Bylaw #42 - re: Islands Trust 

Changes to the Valdes Island Rural Land Use Bylaw #42 - re: Islands Trust 

SUMMARY: The Marine Conservation (W1) zone in the Valdes Island Rural Land Use Bylaw does not currently permit the subsea fibre-optic cable infrastructure required to support the internet utility, which is why an application to amend the bylaw was submitted by Connected Coast’s team. The application was submitted to the LTC late in the project’s timeline, therefore Lyackson First Nation indicated their desire that the LTC expedite consideration of the bylaw in time for Connected Coast’s November 2024 installation deadline. As part of an expedited process, the LTC decided not to hold a Public Hearing, and indicated that they did not wish to refer to First Nations, local governments or other government agencies, citing that the applicant had already carried out consultation for the Connected Coast project through the Provincial (aquatic Crown land authorization application) and Federal (Transport Canada) processes.


Here are both staff reports published as part of this application:

·         September 10, 2024:

·         October 22, 2024: (this is the same one that Trustee Luckham has shared)


Pages 5, 6, and 7 of the October 22 staff report includes a summary of Connected Coast’s wider consultation with First Nations and agencies, as well as comments the LTC has received from Lyackson First Nation.


Next Steps: At this stage, the LTC has given First, Second, and Third readings of Bylaw 115, and the Islands Trust Executive Committee (EC) will be considering the bylaw amendment at their meeting tomorrow (October 30). If EC approves, the LTC plans to initiate Bylaw 115 adoption on October 31 through resolution-without-meeting, in order to meet Connected Coast’s deadline. All correspondence received before final bylaw adoption will form part of the public record and will be considered by the LTC. Correspondence may be sent to   


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